V Great Officers' Ball took place in Sevastopol on June 11. This year, it coincided with Russia Day and the 235th anniversary of founding the Black Sea Fleet and Sevastopol.
Sevastopol Ball is an annual large-scale event uniting officer and civil pairs across Russia, however, this year it was also visited by foreign guests. The venue traditionally was Mikhailovskaya squadron, where the guests were taken on board ship. The total number of the Ball participants reached 200 pairs.
As part of the anniversary officers' ball, the guests enjoyed a military ball parade, an impressive dancing program, a military band performance, a charity auction, etc.
"KRYM" Beer and Soft Drinks Plant, as the Water Partner of the V Great Officers' Ball, treated the guests with "KRYMSKAYA" natural mineral water and "KRYMSKAYA DRINKING WATER".