On the 18-th of December the "Days of business Crimea in Moscow" business forum, dedicated to the potential of Crimea in the investment, economic, industrial and tourist sphere, was held.
Issues of export development of the Republic of Crimea, Crimean business projects, mechanisms of digital economics and possibilities of blockchain-technologies were discussed during the sessions of the forum. Creation of tourist and recreational clusters, event and educational tourism became a separate subject.
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Crimea under the President of the Russian Federation Georgy L'vovich Muradov became a guest of honor and moderator of the forum. Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea Vadim Alexandrovich Volchenko and Director of Exhibition, Trade fair and Congress activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Igor Alexeyevich Korotin also visited the forum.
Products of "KRYM" plant were presented in the framework of the exhibition display. Guests of the event could taste mineral and drinking water, drinks, including "MOJITO" and "LEMONADE" in a tin, as well as beer from BSP "KRYM". For the first time the craft beer line that received many positive feedbacks was presented at the forum. Besides, "Krym" plant took on the role of a Water Partner of the "Days of business Crimea in Moscow" forum by providing "KRYMSKAYA DRINKING WATER" for all participants.